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LoPy nano gateway and Thethingsnetwork

In this page, We are going to:

Thethingsnetwork Server

  • Register Account
1. Go to TheThingsNetwork
2. Enter username, email and password
3. Click "Create Account"
4. Then Follow instruction to verify your email-address
  • Setup Gateway
1. Go to TheThingsNetwork Console
2. Click on Gateway
3. Click "register gateway"
4. Select "package forwarder
5. Enter Gateway EUI
   (Note: To get Device EUI. Execute these code in LoPy. Reference)
     from network import LoRa
     import binascii
     lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORAWAN)
6. Enter Description
7. Select Frequency Plan
8. Enter Location
9. Select Antenna Placment
10. Click Register Gateway
  • Change Gateway Setting
1. Go to Gateways Page
2. Click on the gateway that just created.
3. Click "Setting"
4. In "Router" Field. Enter the following: router.eu.thethings.network:1700
   (Note: We want to forward our package from LoPy Nano Gateway to "router.eu.thethings.network:1700" the other router may not work)
5. Click "Update Gateway"
  • Create Application
  • Register Node


  • Update firmware to 1.6.7.b1
1. Follow the official LoPy upgrade guide Firmware-Upgrade
  • Download LoPy Nano Gateway Code
1. Go to LoPy Github
2. Download the file: main.py, config.py and nanogateway.py
  • Change config.py configuration
1. Open and edit "config.py" file
2. Update GATEWAY_ID to Device EUI.
   WIFI_SSID to ssid of wireless access point.
   WIFI_PASS to password of wireless access point.
3. Save the file
  • Upload main.py, config.py and nanogateway.py to "flash" directory of LoPy.
1. Via FTP: Follow this Pycom-Filesystem
  • Reset the LoPy

After reset the LoPy we should see the gateway status in Gateways Page to connected


These page follow example from:

1. LoPy LoRaWan Nano-Gateway Guide
2. The Things Network Gateway Registration Guide