Hourk Savet

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Research Topic

Design and implement mega hub for smart home

Test request and respond Hue Bridge, Hue:[1]

1. Make sure the connections are the same network

2. Find IP of Hue on the network

3. Normally to connect Hue Bridge required to create username

 ->Post request: http://<Hue IP address>/api/; Example
 ->Body: {"devicetype":"my_hue_app#iphone Savet"}
 ->Hue with return the message error in JSON formate "link button not pressed"
 ->Go to pressed link button on Hue
 ->Send request again you will got success message from Hue with username ID; Example: pAH0aYzrouoeq3Kn0D8qV1js9QebHiy5lq7QPka

4. Testing with Hue

 ->Find lights by address "http://<Bridge ip address>/api/username/lights; Method GET"
 ->You will got all lights are connected with Hue
 ->Suppos I have a light with id "lamp1" than I want to open or close this light.
  1. Find information of this light from address "http://<bridge ip address>/api/username/lights/light_id"; Method GET 
  2. Turn on or turn off light: Address "http://<bridge ip address>/api/username/lights/light_id/state"; Method PUT; Body:{"on":false}